Thursday, September 28, 2023

History of WHO by Dr David Martin

Blake 🔮 (@gunthertree2) posted at 0:30 PM on Wed, Sep 27, 2023:

Climate scam debunked - Activists have no data on CO2 %?

Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) posted at 6:42 AM on Thu, Sep 28, 2023:
Australian broadcaster, Alan Jones, utterly schools a panel of climate zealots on the reality of the #ClimateScam.

"CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere, and human beings are responsible for 3% of that 0.04%... It's like saying: 'There's a granule of sugar on the Harbour Bridge. Clean…

What's to know about WHO

Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) posted at 0:22 AM on Thu, Sep 28, 2023:
German MEP, Christine Anderson, puts the unelected globalist tyrants at the WHO on notice:

"This will end if we simply say no. And that's what we're here to do today, because an unelected body like the WHO, [which] is controlled and run by multibillionaires, should never be…

Mission Accomplished