Saturday, October 12, 2024

Corruption is This Election's October Surprise

Check out this interview.

To be sure, neither Tucker Carlson nor Harmit Dillon are disinterested impartial observers. Carlson is well known to be a Trump supporter and Dillon has run for Chair of the RNC.

However, an attorney like Dillon may be presumed to have ample proof of her claims as a defense from a defamation suit. Both Dillon and Carlson seem to be truly offended by the extent of reported corruption. You be the judge in preparation for voting

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Age of Fear, Anxiety, Climate Fraud

 In 1987 Micheal Crichton published "State of Fear" an interesting novel that contained in appendix the best bibliography available at that time to non-scientist. It predicted the state of mind of most of society in the US today and how private interests and the mainstream media were intent in shaping collective beliefs.

Today Michael Shellenberger demonstrates that we have in fact fallen into the hands of those private interests, not because they had evil intents but simply because they ignorantly believed "the most heard" and gradually most of us came to drink the same cool-aid.  It is not too late for a little education.

And for the data-focused/minded reader, check the data and the charts that debunk what we hear.  It is free education and the good news is that even the activist "average" forecast does not warrant the hysteria of the "extreme" forecasts that are much advertised because hysteria sells media.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore:

Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) posted at 1:50 AM on Sat, Oct 07, 2023:
Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore:

"There is no definitive scientific proof that CO2 is responsible for any of the slight warming of the global climate that has occurred during the last 300 years."

"But there is certainty beyond a reasonable doubt that CO2 is the…

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Understanding Ukraine history - Scott Ritter.

Without understanding we can only make a mess of things 

The Club of Rome

Beware. It has been identified repeatedly over 50 years. This started longer than you've been alive

"Now humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself." Climate con man extraordinaire, John Kerry, is upset that millions around the world are awakening to the #ClimateScam, going on to paraphrase an infamous quote by the Club of Rome (from their 1991 book, 'The First Global Revolution'): "The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. States have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by designating external enemies. The scapegoat practice is as old as mankind itself. When things become too difficult at home, divert attention by adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose." "The sudden absence of traditional adversaries has left governments and public opinion with a great void. New enemies, therefore, have to be identified." "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself." Source: Subscribe to us on Telegram: For more content like this, visit:

SCIENTIFIC Predictions

Thursday, September 28, 2023

History of WHO by Dr David Martin

Climate scam debunked - Activists have no data on CO2 %?

Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) posted at 6:42 AM on Thu, Sep 28, 2023:
Australian broadcaster, Alan Jones, utterly schools a panel of climate zealots on the reality of the #ClimateScam.

"CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere, and human beings are responsible for 3% of that 0.04%... It's like saying: 'There's a granule of sugar on the Harbour Bridge. Clean…

What's to know about WHO

Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) posted at 0:22 AM on Thu, Sep 28, 2023:
German MEP, Christine Anderson, puts the unelected globalist tyrants at the WHO on notice:

"This will end if we simply say no. And that's what we're here to do today, because an unelected body like the WHO, [which] is controlled and run by multibillionaires, should never be…

Mission Accomplished

Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Age of Amnesia

 Below is a Commentary by Jeffrey Tucker (see bio at the bottom) in The Epoch Times on 12/18/2022

This is THE MOST spot-on assessment of our times that I have read anywhere. I republish it here to have one more place where it may not be forgotten. This is my "resistance at the little game" (see below).

The Age of Amnesia

December 15, 2022 Updated: December 18, 2022


The main defense of Dr. Anthony Fauci in his legal deposition this month was pretty simple: he forgot. He said that he couldn’t recall nearly 200 times and versions of that many more. He said that he was so busy running his huge agency plus shepherding vaccines that he couldn’t possibly remember this or that email implicating him in a censorship scheme. He gets thousands of emails a day and there’s no reason to think that any, in particular, would grab his attention.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Playing with fire, poking the Russian bear

 From current news:

I was asked - Is this war, a path to war?

I think the news is credible but it is not war, yet. The US is pushing to bankrupt Russia and Putin may start a war as a way to stay in power, so our neocon crazies are playing with fire. Continuing to play with it as they have done with Ukraine. But, as we saw with Argentina and Chile in the 80's and 90's default does not create wars. It forces a government change via either a public vote, or revolution, or a military coup. Russia is more likely to have a  military coup than anything else, so no gain for the pain in the end - thank our neocon fools. 

 Banks, US and EU, would take huge losses if there is no negotiated settlement, so before default, there will be a negotiated settlement that inflicts enormous pain to the Russians to save the banks. That's what happened with Greece in 2015.  The people pay the price for the games US neocons play (see Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria).  See my post on Greece from 2015  That forecast is true today  Something similar will happen to Russia (barring Armageddon) but the added risk is: Russia has nukes and Greece did not. Different stakes same fools in charge. Fingers crossed.

A sobering update from 4/18/22 9p MST

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Sic Semper Tyrannis


Did you notice last night, on whatever channel you watch the news, the emblem of Virginia? Sic Semper Tyrannis - "This way end all tyrants" (under the image is of young maiden standing on the throat of the tyrant). Well it could have not happened in a better place. The anti-woke revolt may have started.

As one of the anchors said "Let's go Brandon" - BTW if the expression means nothing to you, get hip and read the meaning and funny origin here. (ingenuity of American crowds and media).
Like all revolutions, it took time and a lucky accident (and blessings from above) to get the needed steam, but the optimist that I am, I can see the Cultural Revolution that I fear starting to fade away (maybe). A friend in France told me yesterday "America seems to be on the razor's edge, will it come back before it's lost?". Maybe. 
Sic Semper Tyrannis

Thursday, October 28, 2021

von Mises saw it coming

 This post is a 2018 reprint by the Mises Institute of a speech given by the economist Ludvig Von Mises in 1950 in NYC

His forecast of what was to come is simply amazing and frightening. 
Were it not for the short interlude of the Regan and Thatcher administrations the US and UK would be where the rest of Europe and much of the world are today, but judging from current economic policy proposals we seem to be on track to follow after all.
The case is made so simply and clearly that a child could get it. It would seem that naivete, wishful thinking and/or the propensity to appropriate someone else's wealth are too strong for most humans to resist.

Pass this on in case we can still change enough minds before our children are abandoned to a future of a Chinese-style existence.

The Middle of the Road Leads to Socialism

TAGS Socialism

01/11/2018Ludwig von Mises

The fundamental dogma of all brands of socialism and communism is that the market economy or capitalism is a system that hurts the vital interests of the immense majority of people for the sole benefit of a small minority of rugged individualists. It condemns the masses to progressing impoverishment. It brings about misery, slavery, oppression, degradation and exploitation of the working men, while it enriches a class of idle and useless parasites.

This doctrine was not the work of Karl Marx. It had been developed long before Marx entered the scene. Its most successful propagators were not the Marxian authors, but such men as Carlyle and Ruskin, the British Fabians, the German professors, and the American Institutionalists. And it is a very significant fact that the correctness of this dogma was contested only by a few economists who were very soon silenced and barred from access to the universities, the press, the leadership of political parties and, first of all, public office. Public opinion by and large accepted the condemnation of capitalism without any reservation.